sexta-feira, janeiro 07, 2005

Nota blue

Sem feeling não vais a lado nenhum nos blues. Podes ser muito bom no ragtime, mas nos blues não vais a lado nenhum. Porque aquilo é básico, percebes? São doze compassos, mais coisa menos coisas, e progressões básicas de três, quatro, acordes. Só isso. E depois metes-lhe a pentatónica. Não uma pentatónica qualquer. Tem de ser a pentatónica adaptada para blues e pronto - já está. Mas, volto a dizê-lo: sem feeling não vais a lado nenhum. Sem feeling e sem sétimas dominantes. Podes ter maiores de sétima, algumas nonas, ou até uma quarta aumentada; mas sem a sétima dominante não és, nem nunca poderás ser, um blues man. E sem o feeling, claro. Isto vem a propósito de quê? Não sei. Mas, já agora, tomem lá um blues em Sol com sétima dominante.

I got the blues but I don't mind
All I have to do is get to you
And then I feel just fine

I'm on a downer, but not all the way
When I'm feelin' low you do your thing just so
And then I feel OK

Your so good the way you give
So good, you're the best there is

I got the blues
Got it oh so bad
When I think of me its hard to be
A person quite so sad

You got the answer
And it makes me glad
When I'm feelin' small you give me rock n' roll
And then I'm feelin' bad

Your so good the way you give
So good, you're the best there is

Just a lonely soul slowly dyin'
I was smilin' hard but I was lyin'
Then you sailed along with you're sweet dream
When you stole my heart I was with it

Mornin' come Sun don't shine
I'll get by without you
I was lost but now I'm found
Tell me love it was you

Mornin' come Sun don't shine
I'll get by without you
I was lost but now I'm found
Tell me love it was you

Just a lonely soul slowly dyin'
I was smilin' hard but I was lyin'
Then you sailed along with you're sweet dream
When you stole my heart I was with it

(I've Got the..., Labi Siffre)
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