quinta-feira, abril 28, 2005

Se mudarem de ideias eu fico com este

Michelangelo Merisi, called the
(Milan 1571 - Porto Ercole 1610)
Deposition from the cross, circa1600-1604
oil on canvas
cm.300 x 203
cat. 40386
1 €

«(...)The Vatican's cash crunch is a surprise to most visitors to
the papal state in the heart of Rome. Inside its walls lie not
only the Sistine Chapel but the 500-year-old collection of the
Vatican Museums, one of the world's finest.
But Benedict can't sell his way out of the Vatican's
liquidity crisis and hawk a Raphael or Caravaggio like a
cash-strapped CEO. The Vatican has a policy not to sell its art.
Each piece is given only a 1 euro nominal price tag in the
Vatican books, underlining that the works are valued purely for
their religious and artistic merits.(...)»
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