'I pity the fool who goes out tryin' a' take over da world, then runs home cryin' to his momma!'
Enquanto um batalhão de cretinos agita bandeiras, nos dias de hoje, de conceitos como Creacionismo, essa coisa do Intelligent Design, e continua a perder noites a tentar perceber quantos anos tem um dia da Criação do Génesis, há cerca de oitocentos atrás havia um gajo que escrevia uma coisa destas:
"The major source of confusion in the search of the purpose of the universe as a whole, or even its parts, is rooted in man's error about himself and his supposing that all of existence is for his sake alone.
Every fool imagines that existence is for his sake... but if man examines the universe and understands it, he knows how small a part of it he is".
"The major source of confusion in the search of the purpose of the universe as a whole, or even its parts, is rooted in man's error about himself and his supposing that all of existence is for his sake alone.
Every fool imagines that existence is for his sake... but if man examines the universe and understands it, he knows how small a part of it he is".
Moisés Maimónides (1135 - 1204), Guia dos Perplexos